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Swap Out Your Morning Coffee for a Cup of Cold Brew Yerba Mate


The quest for the perfect morning beverage is ongoing for many. While coffee has long reigned supreme, a growing number of people are exploring healthier alternatives that don’t sacrifice flavor or the essential wake-up boost. Yerba mate, particularly in its cold brew form, is becoming a popular choice. This guide will delve into why you might consider making the switch, the benefits of yerba mate, how to make cold brew yerba mate at home, and answer some common questions about this energizing drink.

What is Yerba Mate?

Yerba mate is a traditional South American drink made from the dried leaves of the Ilex paraguariensis plant, native to Argentina, Brazil, Paraguay, and Uruguay. This tea is renowned for its unique balance of caffeine, theobromine, and antioxidants. Yerba mate can be served hot or cold and is celebrated not only for its smooth flavor but also for its ability to provide energy without the harshness of coffee.

Health Benefits of Yerba Mate

Rich in Antioxidants:

Yerba mate is loaded with polyphenols, antioxidants that combat inflammation and oxidative stress.

Enhances Your Ability to Focus

Thanks to its caffeine content, yerba mate can improve concentration and mental energy, similar to coffee.

May Improve Physical Performance

The compounds in yerba mate may enhance fat metabolism, making it a popular choice among athletes and those looking to increase their physical performance.

Supports the Immune System

Saponins, found in yerba mate, are natural emulsifiers that boost the immune system.

Less Jittery Than Coffee

Many users report that yerba mate provides a smoother, more even energy boost without the anxiety and jitteriness sometimes associated with coffee.

Making the Switch Why Choose Cold Brew Yerba Mate Over Coffee?

Smoothing out the Caffeine Experience

Yerba mate contains less caffeine than coffee per serving, which means you can avoid the intense rush and subsequent crash often associated with coffee.


Drinking a cold brew can be more hydrating and refreshing, especially during warmer weather.

Versatility and Flavor

Cold brew yerba mate has a smooth, clean taste that can be enjoyed plain or flavored with citrus, mint, or other infusions.

How to Make Cold Brew Yerba Mate

Making cold brew yerba mate is simple and requires minimal equipment. Here’s how you can do it:



Mix Yerba and Water

In a large jar, combine the yerba mate leaves with cold water. The general ratio is about 1:4 of yerba mate to water, but you can adjust this depending on how strong you like your brew.

Steep Overnight

Cover the jar and let it steep in the refrigerator for at least 12 hours. This slow extraction process will result in a smooth and mild flavor.

Strain the Brew

Use a fine mesh strainer or a coffee filter to strain the yerba mate leaves from the liquid. You might need to strain a couple of times to remove all the fine particles.

Serve and Customize

Serve the cold brew yerba mate over ice. Add any optional sweeteners or flavors, like lemon juice or a few leaves of mint, to enhance the drink’s natural qualities.

Caring for Your Yerba Mate


Keep your yerba mate in a cool, dark place in an airtight container to maintain its freshness.

Preparation Tools

Using a French press or a mason jar with a strainer can make the preparation process easier and more effective.


Can I drink yerba mate if I’m sensitive to caffeine?

Yes, but start with a smaller amount. Yerba mate contains less caffeine than coffee but can still be stimulating.

How can I make my cold brew yerba mate taste better?

Experiment with sweeteners like honey or agave, or add fresh herbs such as mint or slices of citrus fruits for a refreshing twist.

Is yerba mate better for my stomach than coffee?

Many people find yerba mate to be gentler on the stomach compared to coffee, which is acidic and can sometimes cause stomach upset or heartburn.

What is the best time to drink yerba mate?

Morning or early afternoon is ideal, as drinking it too late in the day might interfere with sleep due to its caffeine content.

How long does homemade cold brew yerba mate last in the fridge?

It’s best consumed within 3-4 days after brewing for optimal flavor and freshness.

Is cold brew yerba mate expensive to make?

No, it’s quite economical. Bulk yerba mate is affordable, and you can brew several servings at once, making it cost-effective compared to coffee.


Switching from morning coffee to cold brew yerba mate can be a delightful and healthful change. Not only does it offer a unique and enjoyable flavor, but it also provides numerous health benefits without the downsides of coffee. By following the steps outlined in this guide, you can easily integrate this energizing beverage into your daily routine and start your day with a refreshing twist!

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